May 23, 2013

What I've Learnt from Movies II

So lately, I've been watching movies alot. Ok, not lately, I've been watching movies alot all my life (as an aspiring director). Now, though, I assess them for ethical value, humour, dialogue etc. and I've figured out that there's a lot to learn. These are some of the very unconventional lessons I've received from ten movies that I've seen.

1. The Ides of March (and David Petraeus)- Old men in power have some dirty laundry to do    and that is beyond Persil.

2. The Expendables 2-  The Muscles from Brussels and Rocky may have aged but they still have the adrenaline!

3. The Avengers- I'm not the only one who really loves shawarma.
                                            btw, Craving Shawarma at the moment

4. The Prestige- Revenge can be quite lethal...for the one plotting it.

5. Up In The Air- I should probably start collecting frequent flyer miles for the future. Emirates maybe?

6. Real Steel- Robots may be the future of everything.

7. Miss Congeniality- To win a pageant, you need to mention 'world' and 'peace', it's more like 'hunger' and 'terrorism'.

8. Lincoln- Daniel Day Lewis may just be Abe's descendant. #crazyresemblance or #reallykickassmakeup?

9. Doubt, Iron Lady, Mamma Mia,-Meryl Streep is the meaning of actress.

10. Pitch Perfect- A Capella means BEAUTY and EUPHONY.

These are the lessons and there's more coming from my view of the wacky world of cinematography. They're good lessons right? :)

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