July 17, 2013

When I Was A Child

So this is a diversion from the regular pop-culture inclined stuff I do...After all, I call myself a raconteur right? So, I should be able to tell you stories from any area of life (mine, most especially), hilarious, serious, anything.
For this reason, I present to you...*drumrolls please* (ok, that was a bit too much)
When I Was A Child.

1. I thought Arsenal was named after Arsene Wenger

2. I thought toothpaste and Macleans were the exact same thing, like one word was the substitute for another...I failed Health Ed tests because of this :(
Nigerian kids that grew up in my time (or older) know what  I mean
N.B.- In Nigeria, Coke= All sodas, Omo= All detergent powders and Shelltox= All Insecticides

3. I thought Eastenders would one day end...#dream

4.  I thought it was stupid that 'floor' and 'ground' were two different words...#NowIknow

5. I thought Ewan McGregor, Brendan Fraser and Matthew McConaughey were the most handsome men in the world.

Who I think they are now :)  #ColinKaepernick #DaveFranco #ChrisEvans #MichaelEaly  #TheoWalcott #TomHiddleston

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